Derrick Waller – 25th November to 22nd December 2008

25th November to 22nd December 2008
Open eve 25th November 7-9pm.

After seven annual exhibitions a Ripley, the Multi Media exhibitors’ duo has unfortunately come to an end, Don Cranefield feels age and distance is too big a combination. Derrick, however, will still be displaying his carved and colourful ceramics, paintings in varied styles and computer graphics. As usual all proceeds will be donated to St Christopher’s Hospice.

After only fifteen months at Art School Derrick Waller joined a commercial art studio as a junior, and so began the years of training required to achieve these hands-on skills (before the general and accepted use of computers).

On completing his national service Derrick worked for numerous companies as a designer and general artist and during this period he developed an extensive freelance practice. Apart from designing, many painting commissions were executed, including a 20ft x 4ft archway for Smiths Industries and a 13ft x 7ft backdrop for British Steel. Derrick is mainly a self-taught potter, but the skills he uses in decorating and carving are the product of years of experience gained as a commercial illustrator. In addition to his much-admired ‘Precisionist’ finishes, Derrick produces paintings and pottery using a more painterly technique. More recently his work with computerised graphics proves his talents are continually evolving to great effect!