Rose Atkinson – 2nd Sept to 25th September 2009

Rose Atkinson: City and Nature
Wed 2nd Sept to 25th September 2009
Open evening 2nd September 7-9pm

Rose Atkinson is a photographer with a unique style. The works in this exhibition represent a contrast between the city and the beauty of the natural world close to home. On one side, they offer a fascinating and often fantastical perspective which challenges your perceptions; and on the other, an intimate observation of natural beauty in stunning colour.

Rose Atkinson has been a passionate about photography ever since she was given a Kodak Instamatic for her 11th birthday, although her interest started way before that – at just three years old, her father made a toy camera for her because she wanted to be just like him.

Rose’s images are thought provoking, often witty and humorous, sometimes dark and enigmatic. She finds her inspiration both in the streets of London where she works and also the natural world close to home; the works in this exhibition represent a contrast between these worlds. The London series is slightly fantastical, even disorienting – are we looking up or down on the scene ? The people are sometimes not quite defined and appear to be occupying space in impossible ways. Closer to home, the series of modern, brightly coloured Dandelion studies show an intimate observation of detail and an eye for natural beauty.