Expressionism & Realism
1st April to 25th April 2008
Open evening 1st April 7-9pm
Two contrasting styles meet in this exhibition of two local artists, Alan Simpson and Bernard Mathysse. The subjects covered include: portraiture, landscapes and townscapes. Both Alan and Bernard will be hosting an open evening on Tuesday 1st April between 7:30 and 9:30 pm.
The artists work predominantly in oils, but in differing styles. Alan is principally interested in ethnic and historical subjects with particular emphasis on realistic portraiture and pictorial story telling.
Bernard’s work is expressionist/impressionist in style, with bold use of colour, movement and rhythm. He draws his inspiration from holidays in Europe and frequent visits to art galleries. Bernard has attended evening classes for a number of years in the Borough, but this is the first time much of his work has been shown in public.
Alan and Bernard would be delighted if you could attend the open evening on the 1st April where we hope you will have a glass of wine with us whilst enjoying our art work. Or you can arrange to visit the exhibition for a viewing. For viewing times please contact the Administrator on 020 8464 5816.