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Heather Lennox: The Green Room
21st May to 14th June 2013
Open eve: 23rd May 7-9pm
Your chance to reflect on a colour that surrounds you every day and interpret your idea of its significance on a variety of levels. Green has so much meaning and beauty. But why is it the ‘one’?; the overall chosen colour for the earth’s landscape? Come over and think about it
Green can mean environmentally friendly. Green can mean money. Green can mean inexperienced. Green is classed as a healing colour. Everyday we are surrounded by green and it’s multitude of shades without ever really questioning why that colour was the ‘one’ for the earth. There are many unsatisfying scientific explanations which offer no real meaningful answers. What if the world had been purple and pink? If asked to paint a small picture of the globe. You might opt for green and blue paint. Green fits. Green calms. Yet you can also be green with envy. Insects and creatures spend their daily meanderings in a world mostly of pure green. The true backdrop of our lives are often engaged with the goal and enjoyment of the colour green. How much of our minds cancel that colour out to the point of not really noticing it anymore. How much green do we need to feel good? How much green does it take to fill a room before you start to feel like you are outside? You are invited to visit and decide for yourself.