Jason Clarke – 26th October to 19th November 2010

Jason Clarke – Home Territory
26th October to 19th November 2010
Open eve  27th October 7-9pm

 “I will be exhibiting my linocuts and etchings although I also produce topographical watercolours.   My works are made entirely by hand and I very much enjoy the business of hand printing.” Jason Clarke   

Jason Clarke was born at Farnborough Hospital in Kent in 1968 and spent the first few years of his life in Palace Road, Bromley, no. 77.

Opposite their house was a small printer’s premises from which his father, Graham, acquired a very rare 1825 Cogger Press, the very one that Jason today uses to print much of his own work.   It was made within yards of St. Paul’s Cathedral, the image which he has used in his promotional pieces for his Ripley Arts Centre exhibition.

Jason, who learned printing skills very early in his life, also editions his father’s etchings.   They share ‘Up the Garden Studio’ in Boughton Monchelsea a few miles south of Maidstone.   This also acts as a gallery with a permanent display of their works.   He has a degree in illustration from Chelsea College of Art.

Apart from his accomplishments in printmaking, he is well known for his watercolours, mostly of London cityscapes or coastal areas of his beloved Kent/Sussex border.   Apart from his visual talents Jason is also a musical composer and multi instrumentalist.   Both these art forms give his increasing circle of admirers very great pleasure.