Graham High: Shoreline 4th February to 28th February 2014

Please Ring to view T 020 8464 5816

Graham High:  Shoreline

4th February to 28th February 2014

Open evening Tuesday 4th February 2014 7-9pm

The starting point for the ‘shoreline’ paintings is the coast of north Norfolk. All the works are created using solutions of writers ink in combination with solutions of bleach. Some of the paintings are representational while some are purely abstract.

An interesting off-spin of using black writer’s ink in combination with bleach is the fact that colours come about through the separation of the ink’s constituent parts through the action of the bleach. I enjoy harnessing and controlling accidental effects whilst holding in mind the desired outcome. This applies to both the abstract and the figurative work.  In my art practice I have always produced both alongside each other. I work from the imagination rather than in front of the subject so the gap between representational art and non-representational art is more a matter of perception than reality.  All these paintings were painted in the studio under the promptings of remembered feelings rather than in front of the scenes which inspired them.