Judy Balchin – 3rd February to 27th February 2009


3rd February to 27th February 2009

Having been a designer working for different companies for over 30 years, my work has generally been dictated by others. I have now broken free from the confines and am producing work that mirrors the real ‘me’ …..and loving every minute of it! Colour is my love and my inspiration. I am driven by a passion as I translate my thoughts and feelings into vivid pastels and oil paintings. If I can raise an eyebrow or a smile, then I have succeeded!

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“My name is Judy Balchin and I am a creative addict! I spend my life tussling with the need to create colour and texture. It is with me constantly, is my joy, my angst and my therapy. I have been lucky enough to spend my working life in this world and it has taken me through many interesting and totally unforeseen experiences. I studied Graphic Design at Cardiff Art College and Maidstone college of Art in the early 70’s which has grounded my work in the illustrative field. Three years at the BBC working on tv titles was followed by a freelance career as a lettering artist and illustrator working for advertising agencies and publishers. I now work mainly as a crafts designer, writing books, designing craft kits for the industry and teaching.

My own work has come out of the need to express myself without working to the parameters of others…. plumbing the depths of the inner ‘me’ and to see what emerges. A real adventure into the unknown. The only thread that holds my work together is my constant love affair with colour. I play with pastels, watercolour and oils chasing the elusive muse, using humour as much as possible to convey my message or thoughts. In this surreal world, we need humour and luckily it is always lurking around every corner, waiting to be captured. If you leave my exhibition with a smile, then I have attained my goal.”